Schools’ sport across Hartlepool has received a boost from a local charity.
Hartlepool Sport, the sport arm of the PFC Trust, has stepped in to provide funding to strengthen the work done by the school games’ organiser, Kate Robinson, across the town.
The charity is supporting Kate to organise and deliver competitive and participation sports opportunities for primary and secondary school children across Hartlepool.
Kate said: “Funding from Hartlepool Sport and The PFC Trust has given me greater capacity to offer the young people in Hartlepool a wider range of events, especially with a competitive focus with links to local clubs.
“I am so grateful for the funding which otherwise would have meant that competitive opportunities at school level would have greatly decreased.
“Through the work I have done with local clubs and coaches, we have seen some wonderful examples of young people attending events then joining clubs, continuing to train and compete outside of school.”
The role of the school games organiser nationally has moved away from competitive events to a participation model, but feedback from local schools, children and young people is that they really value competitive sport.
The PFC Trust and Hartlepool Sport have stepped in to facilitate this by adding capacity Kate's role.
Hartlepool Sport’s Carl Jorgeson said: "Competitive sport is a great way for children and young people to test their limits, learn to work as a team and overcome setbacks and challenges.
“This is a great grounding for life and something that shouldn't be lost if possible.
“We're really pleased to support the role of the school games organiser in Hartlepool to continue these experiences, whilst also providing additional support for children to try new sports and physical activities.
“We've also provided funding to create more club-to-school links. Expert sports coaches are working alongside PE leads in schools, sharing the sport-specific knowledge with school staff, embedding the learning, and children have clear pathways to community clubs.”
*Any clubs that are interested in supporting this work should contact Kate on You can learn more about Hartlepool Sport by visiting
