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Early Years Funding

Our Early Years Fund plays a pivotal role in ensuring that every child, regardless of their background, receives the care, education, and support they need during these crucial formative years.


If you are are an early years setting or group this fund could help with support for children aged 0 to 5 years old.

Grants of £1,000 to £5,000, Multi-year funding available ( up to max 3 years ) 

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Early Years Funding Application

Please provide the following supporting information:

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Please do not submit the application without the supporting information as we cannot accept it.
If you have any problems with providing any of the information, please contact us to discuss before submitting your application.

If you are applying for more than £5,000, please also attached additional information to support your application, for example: Business plan/s, testimonies, case studies.

Upload File

By signing this agreement, you confirm that you, and your organisation, agree to all the
terms, principles and application process as detailed in the PFC Trust Grant Making


You are requested not to share any information contained on this form without consent of THE PFC Trust, Thank you.

Thanks for submitting!

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